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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

No one could have forseen 9-11

Remember Condi Rice, no one could have forseen Al Queada slamming planes into buildings.

Add that to the list of lies.

WASHINGTON, Sept. 13 - American aviation officials were warned as early as 1998 that Al Qaeda could "seek to hijack a commercial jet and slam it into a U.S. landmark," according to previously secret portions of a report prepared last year by the Sept. 11 commission. The officials also realized months before the Sept. 11 attacks that two of the three airports used in the hijackings had suffered repeated security lapses.

Cause after all, the FAA gets so much better intelligence than the head of the National Security Council.

And there's more. (all of this was information redacted by the Bush Admin when they edited the 9-11 commission report for release. Hmmm.... before an election, I wonder why they would do that....)

Much of the material now restored in the public version of the commission's report centered on the warnings the F.A.A. received about the threat of hijackings, including 52 intelligence documents in the months before the Sept. 11 attacks that mentioned Al Qaeda or Osama bin Laden.