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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

That's one hoppin' mad reporter.

It always bothers me that we wait until someone dies to pay tribute to them. So, this evening, I'm gonna pay tribute to Helen Thomas. Put aside for a moment all the ground she broke for women in reporting, and just admire her fearlessness. She's gone after every administration since Kennedy and still refuses to let her question go unanswered. My favorite quote from her, "dissent is patriotic."

The Bush administration press office has taken away her chair in the front row, and moved her to the back of the press briefing room, next to the reporter from India. But Helen does not quit.

If you too admire the irascibility of a tough woman, take a minute to read this transcription of today's gaggle. I admire fearlessness, and Helen Thomas is fearless. And make sure to catch the last line. Make 'em answer, Helen.

UPDATE: Got this story from Marisa in the comments.

I recently saw Helen at a party at the National Press Club and she was as fierce as ever.

I introduced her to one of my co-workers, who asked her if she was really as hostile to this administration as she appears. She promptly replied, "I'm not hostile to them, I just think they're a bunch of lying assholes and someone ought to call them on it."
Also, they have the video up at Crooks and Liars.


  • Hey they showed that whole exchange on Countdown tonight! It was amazing. She as also on that Bill Maher show last week--just fantastic. A true heroine, and a great picture!

    By Blogger JUSIPER, at 12:41 AM  

  • Hey Mike: Thought I would share my favorite Helen Thomas story with you. I recently saw Helen at a party at the National Press Club and she was as fierce as ever.

    I introduced her to one of my co-workers, who asked her if she was really as hostile to this administration as she appears. She promptly replied, "I'm not hostile to them, I just think they're a bunch of lying assholes and someone ought to call them on it."

    She's an amazing woman.

    By Blogger Marisa, at 10:47 AM  

  • Great freakin' story. I promoted it from comments. And I'll probably use it next time Helen moves me, which happens every couple of moths or so.

    By Blogger mikevotes, at 1:37 PM  

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