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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Friday, December 23, 2005


Italy has officially issued arrest warrants for the 22 CIA agents involved in the snatching of an Egyptian cleric Abu Omar off the streets of Milan and "rendering" him to Egypt. Interestingly to me, these warrants are in effect in any of the 25 EU countries.

The NYTimes has a mash piece on John Yoo, the former Bush administration lawyer who authored the findings claiming Bush has almost unlimited powers as a "wartime president." This seems rather bizarre in the current context of the debates on unlimited powers of the president.

This also returns to my mind all the times that Bush stressed that he was a "wartime president." At the time I thought that he was just playing at some ego game, but now, it seems that he was attempting to lay the groundwork for the massive expansion of presidential powers we are now seeing.

And, Tom Daschle comes back from the political grave to take a shot at Bush's claim of unlimited powers by telling his version of what happened on the "War Resolution" on Sept 18, 2001 in a WaPo editorial.


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