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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Picture of the Day - 3

This is a graphical depiction of the amount of influence Dick Cheney and George Bush have within the administration. Bush is the little dark speck on the chair on the right. -or-

"It's okay, Dickie, those children are fools not to want to play with you. Someday, you'll make something out of yourself, and then you'll show them." -or-

"Mr. Cheney, the prince of darkness will see you now." (Fire away, it's an open mike)


  • "I'll play musical chairs any way I darn well want to. I make the rules around here, after all."

    By Blogger QuakerDave, at 7:04 PM  

  • "Dick Cheney, seen hear surrounded by his supporters...."

    "Also scheduled to appear with the Vice President was Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont. A close aid to the vice president, who requested anonymity, said the Sen. Leahy was running behind as he was 'off f*ing himself.'"

    By Blogger -epm, at 7:09 PM  

  • Boy, Ed McMahon looks really sad now that Johnny's gone.

    By Blogger Reality-Based Educator, at 8:07 PM  

  • Hahahaha.

    Once again, the group is funnier.


    By Blogger mikevotes, at 9:01 PM  

  • From a song universally-held "worst songs ever," I give you a lyric from Neil Diamond's "I Am, I Said"...

    I am I said to no one there
    And no one heard at all
    Not even the chair

    By Blogger Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker, at 10:09 PM  

  • When Dick playes music chairs he ALWAYS wins. Then he grabs something to pretend to read, and he takes a nap.

    By Blogger Yukkione, at 11:18 PM  

  • Just after the turtle popped his out out of the shell, Dick regained lucidity and realised he was not sitting on the toilet.

    By Blogger Yukkione, at 11:21 PM  

  • "I hope no one notices, but Condi always makes me erect."

    By Blogger Lew Scannon, at 5:20 AM  

  • The captions are hilarious -- but WHERE do you find these fantastic photos, Mike? "Nobody does it better..."

    By Blogger Motherlode, at 6:26 AM  

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