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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Sunday, July 30, 2006


(AP) "Up to two-thirds of the Army's combat brigades are not ready for wartime missions, largely because they are hampered by equipment shortfalls, Democratic lawmakers said Wednesday, citing unclassified documents."

(WaPo) The "doughnut hole" in the Medicare drug plan is here forcing most seniors to pay 100% of their medication costs. The "hole" costs seniors $2850.

(TPM) Larry Johnson says that the Hezbullah intel from the Pentagon is being cooked to support "the thesis that Hizballah operations are directly controlled and closely managed from Teheran."

(Reuters) Somalia is very close to collapse. Prime Minister Gedi barely survived a no confidence vote followed by open brawling on the parliament floor. Police were called. (Reuters) The US warned long warring Ethiopia and Eritrea to stay out of Somalia, but, (AP) Prime Minister Gedi is blaming Egypt, Libya, and Iran for aiding the ICU.

(Note: the reason I'm focusing on Somalia so much is because its current situation is, in part, a result of failed US covert activity, creating a haven for Islamic radicals.)


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