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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Sunday, January 14, 2007

So, what's the conversation at Camp David?

Both the House and Senate Republican (Minority) leadership are meeting with Bush this weekend at Camp David. I'd be really curious about that conversation. As the Washington Post points out in a couple of articles, their control is slipping.

Regarding the troop "surge," "within hours, several Republican letters of opposition were circulating in the House..."

But, perhaps more interesting have been the defections on the domestic agenda in the 100 hours campaign,
"The closest vote last week -- Friday's push to require the federal government to negotiate lower drug prices for Medicare -- pulled 24 Republicans. The Democrats' homeland security bill attracted 68 Republicans, the minimum wage increase 82."

The 2006 midterm rattled them and as members look to their own political futures, discipline is breaking down.

Lame Duck. It's what's for dinner.


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