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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A carefully crafted talking point should always raise questions

Whenever I see exact wording repeated by a spokesperson, it tells me there's something there. From today's press briefing, Dana Perino talking about the US Attorney firings.
Q Once again -- and I asked Tony this last week -- was a crime committed in firing --

MS. PERINO: There is absolutely no indication that there was any crime committed, nor was there anything improper done.

Q You're saying, "indication;" you're not giving me a flat-out no.

MS. PERINO: I'm telling there's absolutely no indication that would point to that. Absolutely no indication to point to that.

Make note of the wording, "No indication" not "no crime." In other words, there's no proof yet, but the White House is leaving open the possibilty. That says alot.


  • That's an interesting catch. It plays into the talking point defense that the Dems are on a "fishing expedition." That they'll keep digging even though there are no signs or "indications" of wrong-doing.

    By Blogger zen, at 8:51 PM  

  • That's an interesting inference.

    I read it as defensive from the White House as an effort to exculpate themselves from later discoveries.

    But, her language does seem to be telling us what to think.

    "I'm telling you there's absolutely no indication that would point to that. Absolutely no indication to point to that."

    So, Dana is telling us not to think that.



    By Blogger mikevotes, at 9:09 PM  

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