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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Monday, October 06, 2008


I'm not going to cover every twist and turn of the negative today. First because they're at the "throw stuff against the wall phase" so most of today's shocking items will quickly be forgotten, but really, primarily, because I'm really feeling the stock market drop. Not so much in the money lost sense, but in the much more gut level "loss of confidence" sense.

I'm feeling an alternation of shock, depression, disappointment, and RAGE.

I'm feeling hurt, so I'm reactionarily lashing out. I want someone to blame.

I feel quite certain that I'm not alone in this. All across this country today, people are recalculating their retirements. They're worrying about their jobs, their homes, their kids, and their healthcare, trying to do the math in their head on how to make it to the end of the month as they sit in traffic listening to the radio reports on the economy.

This moment is more powerful than negative ads. This fear hits deeper and more emotionally, more personally, than any allegations of who had dinner with whom and when. This is a moment of shock, a resetting of how we look at our country and its situation.

When people slam their mental "right track/wrong track" knob hard against the stopper today, they're not going to be blaming Barack Obama. They're going to be blaming the President. They're going to be blaming the Republicans, and there's only one of those on the national ticket to take that wrath.

So, forget all the negative ad coverage. Today, it doesn't matter.

(Sorry for the rant. I usually try to avoid them.)


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